Comedy & Tragedy, Act One: Comedy
art for a 22-page story
written by Brian K. Vaughn
inked by José Marzan jr.
coloured by Pamela Rambo
lettered by Clem Robins
in Y: The Last Man #16
DC/Vertigo 01/04
Comedy & Tragedy, Act Two: "&"
art for a 22-page story
written by Brian K. Vaughn
inked by José Marzan jr.
coloured by Pamela Rambo
lettered by Clem Robins
in Y: The Last Man #17
DC/Vertigo 02/04
The Building that didn't explode
script and art for a 7-page story
lettered by Dan Jackson
in Autobiographix
Dark Horse 12/03
reprinted in Concrete Vol.6: Strange Armor
Dark Horse 07/06 |
Lies, Death, and Olfactory Delusions
art for an 8-page story
written by Randy Stradley
coloured and lettered by Michelle Madsen
in The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings
Dark Horse 8/03
Our Fighting Forces
art for an 8-page story part
written by Karl Kesel
coloured by Ro Bleyaert
in Harley Quinn: Our Worlds at War
DC Comics 10/2001
script and art for a 4-page story
lettered by Bill Spicer
in 9-11 Vol.1
Dark Horse a.o. 01/2002
script and art for a 6-page story
in Streetwise
Twomorrows Publishing, July 2000
reprinted in Concrete Vol.1: Depths
Dark Horse 07/05
Terror Temple of Tayasal
art for an 8-page story
written by Tom Strong creator Alan Moore
coloured by Matt Hollingsworth
lettered by Todd Klein
in Tom Strong #9
America's Best Comics, July 2000

Cursed Beauty
script & pencils for a 26-page story
inked by John Nyberg
coloured by Angus McKie
lettered by Bill Spicer
in Will Eisner´s The Spirit: The New Adventures #5
Kitchen Sink Press, July 1998

Devil's Garden
art for an 8-page story
written by Grendel creator Matt Wagner
lettered by Bill Spicer
in Grendel: Black, White & Red #2
Dark Horse, December 1998

One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty
art for a 16-page story
written by Harlan Ellison
coloured by Bernie Mireault
lettered by Bill Spicer
in Harlan Ellison´s Dream Corridor Quaterly #2
Dark Horse, August 1996

(4 illustrations)
stories by Andrew Vachss
in Another Chance To Get It Right
Dark Horse, 1995

King Tiger
art for a 14-page story
written by Randy Stradley
inked by Jimmy Palmiotti
coloured by James Sinclair & Matt Hollingsworth
lettered by Clem Robins
in Comics Greatest World: King Tiger
Dark Horse, September 1993
script and art for an 8-page Superman story
inked by John Nyberg
lettered by John Costanza
coloured by Tom McGraw
in Christmas with the Superheroes #2
DC Comics 1989 |
script and art for a 6-page story
lettered by Bill Spicer
in Dark Horse Presents #1
Dark Horse Comics, July 1986
reprinted in Concrete Vol.6: Strange Armor
Dark Horse 07/06 |